Every time I've tried to start a new blog, the message "The page you requested is invalid" always pops up. So, I deleted everything off of this blog and am reusing it for this 2016 year.
This year, I am doing a similar project to last year. I will still be tutoring violin with Teresa on Fridays, but this year, we will be expanding our focus to not only middle schoolers and people who already know the violin, but also new beginners. Some people might include Michael Ting, Jonas Tai, and Livia Lau.
Why are we completing MAD projects? What is the purpose? (hint: ICS core values) Reflect on why we do this and how it can move you closer to God.
We are completing MAD projects to give back to the community. Service is an important part of our lives as Christians and Jesus tells us to give back to Him and the people around us. Service also allows us to humble ourselves in spite of everything and get closer to God.